Miso Ginger Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup for Coughs and Sore Throats

38 Просмотры
For the full recipe visit https://www.foodnetwork.ca/recipe/miso-ginger-carrot-and-sweet-potato-soup/

This bright and colorful miso ginger carrot soup is uplifting and comforting any time, but especially if you feel a cough or sore throat coming on. The variety of vegetables in this recipe — onion, garlic, carrots and sweet potatoes — all contain powerful phytonutrients, antioxidants and vitamins that help support the immune system. Ginger adds a delicious kick to the sweet carrots and sweet potatoes, but also soothes sore throats with its anti-inflammatory properties and supports digestion. Fermented foods, like the miso paste in this soup, support the gut microbiome, which impacts overall immune function. If your throat is sore or you have a cough, eating something warming like this soup can ease discomfort.

Video courtesy of Tamara Green and Sarah Grossman, @‌livingkitchenco on Instagram.

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