10-Minute High-Protein Longevity Miso Bowl that tastes delicious raw or cooked.
A crunchy mixture of kale, cabbage, and edamame and an anti-aging miso sauce.
Packed with protein and fiber. Gluten-free.
▶️Also, recipe is linked in my YouTube profile @cookingforpeanuts Go to the description and tap my profile link.
10-Minute High-Protein Longevity Miso Bowl that tastes delicious raw or cooked.
A crunchy mixture of kale, cabbage, and edamame and an anti-aging miso sauce.
Packed with protein and fiber. Gluten-free.
▶️Also, recipe is linked in my YouTube profile @cookingforpeanuts Go to the description and tap my profile link.
- Категория
- веганские блюда

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