- prepare your Reese’s cream
* add 2 Reese’s peanut butter cup
* middle them
* add 80 ml of milk
* 2 tbsp of mascarpone or coconut cream
( or 80 ml of heavy cream)
- froth it till it’s combined (1-2 min)
- add ice to your glass
- pour in 250 ml of cold coffee
- add your Reese’s cream on top
That’s it. Enjoy!
- prepare your Reese’s cream
* add 2 Reese’s peanut butter cup
* middle them
* add 80 ml of milk
* 2 tbsp of mascarpone or coconut cream
( or 80 ml of heavy cream)
- froth it till it’s combined (1-2 min)
- add ice to your glass
- pour in 250 ml of cold coffee
- add your Reese’s cream on top
That’s it. Enjoy!
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