Peas and Potato's and Carrots in sauce
This is a Greek Dish known as Arakas.
Very tasty this could be a side dish or a main dish.
Simple Ingredients - Recipe will be on my channel soon
Thanks for watching.
Peas and Potato's and Carrots in sauce
This is a Greek Dish known as Arakas.
Very tasty this could be a side dish or a main dish.
Simple Ingredients - Recipe will be on my channel soon
Thanks for watching.
- Категория
- веганские блюда

Комментариев нет.
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Peas and Potato's and Carrots in sauce - Side Dish to eat with Bread and Feta Cheese #cookingchannel

@whatsonmyplate-olgapapag Peas and Potato's and Carrots in sauce This is a Greek Dish known as Arakas. Very tasty this could be a side dish or a main ...