Get ready to enjoy a delicious and healthy Cookie Dough Smoothie Bowl that's vegan, high in protein, and made effortlessly with the Optimum G2.6 Slim High-Speed Blender. Perfect for any time of the day! Packed with plant-based protein and full of flavour, this smoothie bowl will keep you energized and satisfied throughout the day. The Optimum G2.6 Slim High-Speed Blender ensures a smooth, creamy texture, blending all ingredients to perfection.
More info about the Optimum G2.6 Slim is here:
Thanks, @Nourishedbynoa for sharing ❤️
Get your own Optimum G2.6 Slim here:
Coupon Code: Chenoa15
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More info about the Optimum G2.6 Slim is here:
Thanks, @Nourishedbynoa for sharing ❤️
Get your own Optimum G2.6 Slim here:
Coupon Code: Chenoa15
#CookieDoughSmoothieBowl #optimumg26slim #vegansmoothie #highprotein #healthyrecipes #plantbased #blenderrecipes #healthyeating #quickandeasy #highspeedblender #bestblender2023 #shorts
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