Cherry Chocolate Coffee Cake

33 Просмотры
Cherry Chocolate Coffee Cake
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 /2 cup of milk
1 /2 cup of oil
3 tablespoons cocoa
1 packet of vanilla
10 gr baking powder
1 cup flour
1 bowl of cherries
4 cups of milk
5 full tablespoons of flour
5 tablespoons of sugar
1 packet of vanilla
100 g chocolate
200 g cream
To soak:
1 cup of milk
1 cup of espresso
2 tbsp sugar

Beat eggs and sugar thoroughly. First add the liquid and then the dry ingredients by sifting them. Pour it into my greased baking tray and place the cherries at intervals. Preheated Bake in the oven at 175 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Cream making:
Put flour, milk and sugar in a pot and stir until it boils. When it thickens, remove it from the stove, add vanilla and chocolate and let it cool. Then add a box of cream and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes. Soak the baked cake with coffee milk. When it cools down a bit, spread the cream and sprinkle cocoa. If you let it rest overnight, the cream becomes better. Bon appetit
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